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    Tuesday, 07 January 2014 15:17 *** BREAKING NEWS *** January 7, 2014 — (TRN ) — The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has been caught agreeing in writing to conceal information from the world about the extent of danger, damage and health effects at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant disaster in Japan.  Turner Radio Network has obtained official copies of the agreements signed by the IAEA and the Fukui Prefectural Government as well as between the IAEA and Fukushima Medical University.  We have the agreements, now YOU have them too! In an astonishing development in the ongoing disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan, TRN has obtained official copies of agreements between the International Atomic Energy Agency and official entities in Japan, wherein the parties agree to conceal information from the public about the degree of damage, danger(s) and health effects on humans of the largest nuclear disaster in human history. The first such agreement is signed on behalf of the Fukui Prefectural Government by Mr. Hiroyuki. Aratake, Director-General, Living and Environment Department. It is counter-signed on behalf of the IAEA by Mr. Denis Flory,  Deputy Director General,  Head of the Department of Nuclear Safety and Security.  This document lays out the reason for its existence and the scope of cooperation between the IAEA and Japan. Specifically, the document states: 2. Scope of Cooperation The Parties have identified the following areas and activities in which cooperation may be pursued: · Research and study on radiation monitoring including application of environmental mapping technology by using unmanned aerial vehicles and the IAEA’s assistance in the use of radiation monitoring data to develop maps to be made available to the public; · Research and study on off-site decontamination including the IAEA’s assistance in analyses of results of environmental monitoring and exploration of exposure pathways in order to reduce or avoid exposure; and · Research and study on the management of radioactive waste including IAEA’s assistance in the study on management methods of low level radioactive waste from the above-referenced decontamination activities.The above-referenced cooperation is designed to complement existing Japanese activities and to provide immediate assistance and support which will be of direct benefit to those living in Fukushima Prefecture. While the item above sounds perfectly reasonable, Part 8 of the agreement seems to take a complete U-turn to conceal information from the public.  Specifically, Part 8 of the agreement reads as follows: 8. Dissemination of Information The Parties will support the widest possible dissemination of unclassified information provided or exchanged under these Practical Arrangements and, as appropriate and if circumstances so require, any subsequent separate arrangements including agreements referred to in Paragraph 5, subject to the need to protect proprietary information. The Parties will ensure the confidentiality of information classified by the other Party as restricted or confidential. (Emphasis added) According to the Tokyo Shimbun newspaper if either the prefectures or IAEA decide to classify information because “they contribute to worsening of the residents’ anxiety,” there is a possibility that such information as the accident information, as well as radiation measurement data and thyroid cancer information may not be publicized. In short, if the IAEA doesn’t want Japan telling something to the public, the IAEA can simply declare that information “restricted” and vice-versa! Both the Fukui Prefectural Government and the IAEA are paid for – in one form or another – by TAX dollars; these entities exist to serve the public.  How do they justify agreeing in writing to conceal information from the very public who makes their existence possible?  Download the PDF of the Prefectural Goverment / IAEA agreement HERE MEDICAL SCHOOL AGREES TO SECRECY TOO In a separate and perhaps even more outrageous step, Mr. Daud Mohamad, Deputy Director General,Head of the Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications of the IAEA signed another agreement, this one with Mr. Shinichi Kikuchi, President of the Fukushima Medical University located at 1 Hikariga-oka, Fukushima City, Fukushima Prefecture 960-1295, Japan, wherein the two agree to cooperate as follows: 2. Scope of Cooperation The Parties have identified the following areas and activities in which cooperation may be pursued: · Health management survey: IAEA will assist the University in implementing the Fukushima Health Management Survey project; · Capacity building and research: the Parties will collaborate in capacity building and research on human health programmes, including radiation emergency medicine; · Enhancement of public awareness: the IAEA will endeavour to organize conferences, seminars and workshops, in cooperation with the University, with the aim of enhancing public awareness of radiological effects on human health and addressing the issue of “radiation fear” and post-traumatic stress disorders in the Fukushima population; and· Exchange of expert support and information: the Parties may exchange expert support, information data and materials in carrying out the aforementioned collaborative activities. As well-intentioned and reasonable as all that sounds, Part 8 of the agreement takes a dramatic turn to secrecy.  Specifically, it states: 8. Dissemination of Information The Parties will support the widest possible dissemination of unclassified information provided or exchanged under these Practical Arrangements and, as appropriate and if circumstances so require, any subsequent separate arrangement including agreements referred to in Paragraph 5, subject to the need to protect proprietary information. The Parties will ensure the confidentiality of information classified by the other Party as restricted or confidential. (Emphasis added) The Fukushima Medical University is a public school, created by the Prefectural Government.  It is therefore funded by TAX dollars and accountable to the public.  How can the University, which teaches young people to be Doctors and is allegedly concerned about public health, agree to conceal from the public (which pays for the school’s existence) the health effects of radiation?  Download the PDF of the Fukushima Medical University / IAEA agreement HERE Given the evidence above, how can any rational person believe the public is being kept properly informed about the degree of damage and dangers emanating from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster?  When governments and inter-governmental agencies from the United Nations, like the IAEA, conspire in writing to conceal information from the public, how can anyone trust these public servants? The public has a right to know the threat to safety that exists from the Fukushima disaster.  Since the effects of that disaster are affecting the Pacific ocean, and all the nations which border it, the public from those nations also have a right to know.  It is long past time the public start demanding answers from elected public servants and getting the truth.

    The goal must be freedom!


      Lets face it, the world as we know it has grown into an interconnected family of people that (for the most part) just wish to be free from slavery and wish to grow and enjoy life with their spouse and children while maintaining physical/ mental health.
    The reality for the world is that even though (I would guess that 90% or better) most of the world desires this freedom and happiness, we will never see the fulfillment of this idea if we all do not come together and restructure how the world is governed.  Do we need masters to allow or prohibit us our wants and desires associated with this life? I am speaking of basic human freedom to have technology such as electricity as well as natural food or clean, chemical free water (of which the technology exists to be free of charge and abundant to all mankind). This is just a basic tip of the iceberg in a manner of speaking. But the possibilities to free humanity are so huge in the era in which we live.
    The only reasons we all do not have this is because most that have to ability to introduce this way of thinking are wealthy and powerful under the current system and they stand to loose much monetary wealth or power if they go against the grain (my hat is off to men like Edward Snowden). Also it takes revolution to bring about change such as this. This revolution must be fought by each of you. One can not do it alone. We must unite as a family to bring this change to reality and free humanity as it was meant to be.